By buying this service you will get Account Level boosted to max Rank until the S-Levels. Account level shows your progress, unlock specialists, weapons, vehicles, gadgets, and throwables. You'll also gain access to some of the cosmetics items, like specialists, weapons, vehicles skins, and takedowns. In order to get your account to the max level certain actions will be performed, such as grinding experience and weekly challenges.
[icon color="#00BFFF" size="18" type="icon-time" unit="px" ] ETA: 5-10 days.
[icon color="#FFD000" size="18" type="icon-info-sign" unit="px" ] Options:
• Choose desired Account boost.
[icon color="#23B10B" size="18" type="icon-gift" unit="px" ] Rewards:
• Desired Account Level Farmed.
• Badges for your Playercard.
• Experience for your specialists, weapon, vehicles.
[icon color="#FF8C00" size="18" type="icon-exclamation-sign" unit="px" ] Requirements:
• Account Sharing (we’ll play your account).
[icon color="#FFD000" size="18" type="icon-exclamation-sign" unit="px" ] Common questions:
How does it work?
Professional Battlefield player will log into your account with a VPN, and an appear offline feature enabled. They will never talk to anyone on your friend list or in-game chat to guarantee you 100% anonymity. Your account's safety is our top priority, and we will never use any cheats, hacks, or exploits during the carry.
Why us?
WowVendor is a digital service provider with 8+ years of experience, more than [trustpilot_count] reviews, with an average rating of 4.9 on Trustpilot. You can count on us to help answer any of your questions 24/7 via Live Chat, Discord, or Skype.
Why consider getting a boost?
You have to spend hours improving your aim and mastering meta characters to stay competitive in Battlefield. It's almost impossible to keep up without playing the game all day. We make sure that you can still get your desired in-game rewards even if you don't have much free time.
The post Account Leveling Boost appeared first on WowVendor.